On June 2018, Singapore government has laid out its digital government blueprint. Not recently but for many years, Singapore has been challenging every big nation in the world about how to be smart nation via technology adoption. Singapore government is like a startup which put emphasise on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of everything it laid out via automation and scaling. In the era of technology, automation is able to be achieved via digital technologies implementation in every citizen touch points in public services, business process, etc.
I have covered in detail about the type of digital government initiatives every countries are implementing and planning to implement in this article It discuss ideas about
- Knowledge Base for citizens
- Transactional Services
- Listening systems
One of the startup mindset is just not launching a feature but also whether could it be measured and receive feedbacks (Listening systems). Effectiveness and efficiency improvement can be achieved through measurement. In E-Commerce, that’s one of the reasons why digital marketers try to put so much emphasis on tracking and attribution while trying to understand performance and user behavior.
Measuring allows us to improve further the product and thus increasing the adaptability. So how does the smartest nation can measure its success? There are many ways to do that but let’s take a look at the Singapore digital government blueprint and its measurement(targets) which need to be achieved by 2023.
- Citizen Satisfaction with digital services should – 75–80% to rate very satisfied
- Business Satisfaction with Digital Services (via survey) – 75–80% to rate very satisfied
Have you seen this type of Listening Systems in Singapore public places?
Everything the public officers & systems do whether it is cleaning the toilet or online portals, you will end your journey with listening systems implemented to receive citizen feedback. The first time I saw this in my life from the government-run organization was when I landed on a Singapore airport before 5 years ago.
- Percentage of transactions completed digitally from end-to-end — 90–95%
- Services that offer e-payment options (inbound and outbound) — 100% adoption by citizens and business
- Percentage of payments (inbound and outbound) completed via e-payments –100%
- Services that offer digital options for wet ink signatures — 100% adoption
Are you wondering what’s this digital options and digital transactions? if you see the below images as a citizen, this is all the services currently you may do via digital or visiting any government physical offices to full-fill your needs.
Services that are prefilled with Government verified data – 100% adoption
Government verified data or I would call this as knowledge base systems where government public data are available for people to make decisions, research about business and others, potential opportunities, etc. An overview of what type of knowledge base which government could provide for it’s citizens?
DIGITAL CAPABILITIES (Talent Development )
So building all these systems and compiling information needs Human Resources. Everything cannot be automated yeah? Also in a military strategy having strong weapons is not just enough if the soldiers don’t have the capability to use that weapon. Otherwise, all the country earnings from other business sectors would be fully spent to outsourcing to different companies and countries.
- Number of public officers trained in data analytics and data science – 20,000
- Number of public officers with basic digital literacy – All Public Officers
- Number of transformative digital projects – 30-50
It’s a startup if you don’t believe in. It looks for every new opportunity to make use of it for the country development. Artificial intelligence is not only for companies to improve their business but also for government sectors. It can be health or education or anything. For Singapore, AI and DATA could be heavily useful for its finance sectors.
- Percentage of Ministry families that use AI for service delivery or policy-making -All Ministry families to have at least one AI project😎😎😎
- Number of high-impact data analytics projects — 10 cross-agency projects per year, and 2 projects per Ministry family per year
- Core data fields in machine-readable format, and transmittable by APIs — 90–100% (Read again MACHINE READABLE AND API!!!)
- The time required to fuse data for cross-agency projects — Less than 10 days to share data for cross-agency projects
Currently, most of the developed countries have started to move towards open governance where they have data portal which allows the public to gain access to government data. An example: https://data.gov.sg (open data portal).
When they say machine-readable format means allowing data to be downloaded in RAW format. Not just providing images of a stats but the raw data like in CSV/JSON format allows for further analysis.
It’s vision very strong which doesn’t end with downloading but allow machine to machine speak each other (Remember about the automation?). The data should be able to be transmitted via API (wikipedia) . Currently, the data is available in CSV. Indian e-gov has done a good job in term of this where they provide 7,000+ datasets on API (234K Datasets available overall).
What do you think about these Key process indicators set by the Singapore Govt? Which Key process indicator in the above list is important to you?
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