Imagine if you can connect Shopify data and import that directly into Google sheet for further analysis. That can be awesome with our previous model of getting other analytics and marketing tools together. but let’s go through our model again by focusing on Shopify itself.

Just imagine this picture by replacing facebook with Shopify. That’s we going to see below and the available options.
Data that can be imported into google Sheets
Table of Contents
This are the available data which we can get from their API.
Table | Available data | Remarks |
Customer | customer_id, city, name, email, last_order, lifetime duration, customer created date, etc | |
Orders | Order_id, Order_name, Order_note, Order_channel, Currency, email, Order_location, Order_shipping_description, returning_customer, fulfilment, Items, etc | |
Sales | Gross sales, discounts, returns, net sales, shipping, tax, total sales, etc. | |
Traffic | landingpage url, referral code, ref url, utm_content, utm_term, utm_medium, utm_source, utm_name, etc. | |
Product | sku, product_id, variant_id,title, variant-title, price, description, vendor, type, image_src, Inventory_value, Inventory_quantity, etc | |
Transferring to Google Sheet only Stack:
You may just want to transfer the data directly into google sheet in a automated(hourly/daily) fetch for simple reporting like sales monitoring, product analysis, Customer analysis, Cohort analysis , creative report, or simple analysis from your shopify store or multi stores of your clients. For this case, the best and affordable ways are
- Supermetrics – Google sheet plugin (Paid – $39/month)
API-Connector – Google sheet plugin (Paid)- ( Opensource – Python based, coding knowledge required)
Transferring to Google sheet and then to Tableau
A case you are not a SQL expert 🙂 but you are expert at Excel formula and a big believer in coding is for losers 😀 or your requirement itself has something to do with Google sheet. Similar to Bigquery, Tableau also has a free inbuilt google sheet connector that makes our job easier to connect to Google sheet which means
- Use Supermetrics/singer to push the data into google sheet
- Clean, merge, do a custom calculation
- Use Tableau google sheet connector and visualise in Tableau
Transferring to Microsoft Excel
You may say “My company is not in Google apps environment” or “Google sheet is for kids :D” or “Google sheet has lot of limitation and can be very slow sometimes”. No worries, free tool and paid tools available
- Supermetrics for Excel ($39/month)
Transferring to Google Data Studio directly
Ooh! Finally, the free visualization tool is available 🙂 And for budget users, the perfect love comes from Google.
- For direct transfer: Supermetrics Datastudio connector ( $39/month)
- or transfer to Google sheet via free solution like singer and then connect to Google datastudio using Gsheet connector
In simple, list of the tools available for transfer to Bigquery, Google Sheet, Snowflake, Microsoft Excel
- Supermetrics
- Stitchdata (More like an ETL for data engineers)
- Alooma (not available anymore)
- Blendo
- Fivetran
If you ask me what you want to start first, I would recommend you to start with supermetrics which i have been using for 3+ years and worth of paying $39. if it is more for visualisation just go ahead with Data Studio as its free and can still use all google products, if you want more, then you can use supermetrics connectors.
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