Looking for a best mobile app market research platform to help your business? In this guide, we will cover:
- Why are mobile app market research platforms used?
- Comparison of different platforms
- More resources on app research platforms
Why are mobile app market research platforms used?
Let’s start with a small story: assume you are in the retail clothing business. You could be opening this business for the first time or want to expand your current business.
Usually, a few of the planning activities you’d be looking at would be as below:
- What’s already happening at the location you have chosen?
- What type of products are those stores offering?
- What is the approximate footfall in that store?
- How many similar stores are there, and is their service good?
- Are they selling low-end items or high-end items?
We research first, and look at all this information so we can then deduce the advantages and disadvantages of every other decision we will make to see if it can result in even a small positive impact on our planning.
For online businesses like yours, there are tools and platforms available where you can get answers to these questions before setting up the business… the same goes for mobile app businesses as well
Below are the some of the initial research questions you may be looking to answer:
- What keywords are people searching for online to reach that business?
- What is the search volume for a keyword? Which apps rank for that keyword? How difficult is the keyword? (This indicates the demand of the keyword as well)
- What are the keywords used on competitor/similar apps? These can then be used on app descriptions to make sure you get visibility in the search rankings as well
- Which marketing channels bring traffic to that business?
- What is the search position of our app and also our competitor app? Having this information should lead to constant monitoring of the position and targeting to reach that spot/position can bring organic installs and awareness to users
- How many apps are competing in that category?
- What are the names of the apps ranking?
- How have they used keywords? Title, short description, long description, screenshots, etc? And for people who dare to think from a different perspective, there are a lot of different answers than the straightforward points I have mentioned here.
Diving into specifics, below I have shared examples of app market research tools and their details (please do comment if I have missed anything)
The list of mobile app market research platforms with comparison of features
if you are wondering what you could do using this tools? This screenshot below show how i have used this tools to do competitor analysis/market research about the demand of the business(meaning keywords).
Source of this comparison table: https://www.androidb.com/2014/07/10-tools-to-help-with-google-play-store-optimization-for-your-app/
More Resources on App Market Research Platforms
- Kissmetrics guide: https://blog.kissmetrics.com/app-store-optimization/ This article explains everything from the basics of app research platforms to why you need it and even provides some sample reports that explain what you can get out of it (most used use cases).
- Medium Article with further unique tools on App store intelligence https://medium.com/@incipiagabe/our-full-list-of-app-store-optimization-tools-b77f17e052dd
- This article presents a combination in the form of a video from each app research tool: http://www.businessofapps.com/guide/app-store-optimization-tools/
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